Thursday, January 17, 2008

Okay, so, this should work, I think? [Edit: IT DID!] So hey family and friends and that one guy who probably found this place by complete mistake, my name is Jamie Anderson, and you've stumbled into my blog.

I am a sort of artist animator type guy and am currently working at Blue Rocket Studios in Tasmania on their show Pixel Pinkie, it's almost finished now, but during the time I was working there I drew up a whole punch of sketches on some tiny pad we were given for, I don't know, notes or something productive, but everyone knows writing is for schmucks so I drew stuff instead.

Like this!

I really liked how it turned out since most of my sketches were just random faces most of the time, so I decided I would take it home and ink and colour it in Flash! And so then I did. And so then it looked like this:

It should maybe be noted that in the actual official cartoon, Anni, (Girl in the middle) does not appear as a heartless murder machine with no feeling nor soul. On the outside.

Ill post more scans from work soon, until then!

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